The Swift Collective

Fostering a growing collection of cross platform swift packages.


We're helping to make the swift ecosystem great.

Our open source work is on GitHub which consists of a growing collection of cross platform swift packages.

Our current focus is on establishing high quality swift packages of many widely used C/C++ libraries through Swift/C++ interop so that swift's ecosystem can benefit from cross platform apps, plugins, libraries, and games.

Some Swift code blocks

Here's an example of creating a USD stage in swift.

import PixarUSD

/* create a new stage, containing a transform and a sphere. */

let stage = Pixar.Usd.Stage.createNew("Example", ext: .usda)

var xform = Pixar.UsdGeom.Xform.define(stage, "/hello")
var sphere = Pixar.UsdGeom.Sphere.define(stage, "/hello/world")

Some initial cross platform packages:

  • The ZLib swift package, providing spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression for swift.

  • LibPNG, portable network graphics (.png) support for swift.

  • Another image file format, WebP codec support for swift.


The Swift Collective

Fostering a growing collection of cross platform swift packages.

The Swift Collective

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